Rochelle and Lauren wrap a series on how we can spiritually discern what God may be saying to us about our waking life through our dream life. Learn how to discern what to do with the dreams God gives you.
The Bible is full of stories about men and women of God hearing His voice through dreams and visions. Join Rochelle and Lauren for a two-part series on how we can spiritually discern what God may be saying to us about our waking life through our dream life.
Join Lauren and Rochelle for part two in a series on following Jesus on the narrow way.
It’s never been more clear that the world’s systems are broken and desperately in need of redemption and restoration. The world's way of doing things leads to destruction, but the narrow way — God's way — leads to life.
If your soul is longing for lightness and rest in a world that it seems like there is no space to exhale, this series is for you. Join Lauren and Rochelle as they explore how His ways are for our soul’s benefit, not detriment.
Surrender is the way of the kingdom, but that doesn't mean it's always easy. Join Lauren and Rochelle for a conversation on the importance of giving God our yes — with special guests Kate Smith, co-president of Catch the Fire World, and Jess Ninaber, lead pastor of Catch the Fire Raleigh.
Join Lauren and Rochelle for part 2 of a series on contentment.
Also, don't miss the news about our new group discount for the She Found Joy Retreat! Visit our application page or listen to this episode to learn more.
We live in a world that is constantly chasing and running to the next thing. But contentment was never meant to be found in attaining what we think we need. It's found in relationship with God, the One who made us. Join Lauren and Rochelle for part 1 of a series on contentment.
What do we do when life is hard and we feel hard pressed on every side? Lauren and Rochelle talk about how Jesus wants to meet us in these places, along with the hidden blessings of walking through the hard with Him.
Lauren Gaskill continues our series on finding joy in motherhood with Lauren Gaines, author of Unshakable Kids and creator of Inspired Motherhood. Join them as they talk about common traps and triggers we can fall into, how to get out of them with the Lord's help, and why making room for rest is powerful and necessary.
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Learn more about the 2024 She Found Joy Retreat.
What does it mean to be a mother? What is the meaning and value behind being a mother? In this new series, Rochelle and Lauren help us understand God's intention for motherhood and how we can find joy in reflecting His heart to those He entrusts to us.
Follow She Found Joy on Instagram and Facebook.
Learn more about the 2024 She Found Joy Retreat.
Jesus said "I am the gate." But the references to gates and walls found in Scripture don't stop there. What is the spiritual significance of gates and walls and what are the implications for us today? Lauren and Rochelle consider what it means to enter through the narrow gate and to protect our own gates every single day.
Simply put, the prophetic is hearing God for yourself and for others. Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 14 that all can prophesy, but how do we weigh a word to discern if it's really from the Lord? Not only that, but how do we move forward and partner with a word once we know it's from Him? Join Rochelle and Lauren for a heartfelt discussion and encouragement to not despise prophesy but embrace it from a place of wisdom and grace.
The calendar has changed to a new year, but rather than jumping into things, what steps can we take to start 2024 well? Lauren and Rochelle offer practical wisdom and tangible ways to experience greater levels of love, peace, righteousness and joy this year.