
She Found Joy

The She Found Joy Podcast is dedicated to helping God's daughters walk in the fullness of who and whose they are. Join Lauren Gaskill, Rochelle Merrell and special guests as they share stories of how we can discover and live in the abundant life, love, and joy Jesus died to give us. Together, we can pursue and see His Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.
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She Found Joy







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Now displaying: 2019
Dec 9, 2019

On today's podcast, we are so excited to welcome our new podcast co-host, Rochelle Merrell.  Rochelle speaks about her testimony and it is so encouraging.  Lauren Gaskill begins discussing the 2020 vision for the podcast and the ministry.  We cannot wait to share more with you as the weeks continue.  Lauren and Rochelle also talk about books they enjoy and answer some questions that were sent in from listeners.  This will be the last podcast of the year, but we cannot wait for you to hear what is coming in 2020!

Rochelle's book/music choices:

Any music by Laura Woodley

When Heaven Invades Earth by Bill Johnson

A Supernatural Power of the Transformed Mind by Bill Johnson

Anything by Cindy Jacobs


Lauren's book choices:

Healing Breakthrough by Randy Clark

I Believe in Miracles by Kathryn Kuhlman

Sugar by Kimberly Stewart (only fiction book mentioned!)


To stay up to date, go to our website: and sign up for our weekly newsletters.

If you would like more information about and how to sign up to support us on Patreon, go to 

Also, while you are ordering all of your gifts from Amazon this season, go to Amazon Smile and sign up to support She Found Joy.  A percentage is donated to the ministry based on what you order.  

Nov 25, 2019

Lauren Gaskill begins today's episode by giving you some real time updates about the tour and about how to pray for us and how to join us in what God has for the ministry in 2020.  We are re-airing a favorite episode of ours in which, Lauren and Susie Larson take about how intertwined our emotional, spiritual, and physical health actually are.  Spiritual difficulties can have physical consequences and physical illnesses can have emotional and even spiritual ramifications.  So in order for true healing to occur, it must happen holistically--mind, body and spirit.  Susie reminds us that "the storms reveal the lies we believe and the truths we need."

To stay up to date about what is going on in the ministry, go to and subscribe to our weekly newsletter.

As Lauren brought up, we have a Patreon campaign.  Go to to join us in providing quality, free content to the thousands of people that listen to us each month.

Nov 4, 2019

Today is the third episode in the series on Victorious Living entitled, "The Journey to Victory." Join Lauren Gaskill and special guest, Jenny Simmons as they discuss how to trust God in the journey.  You may recognize the name of our guest from the group Addison Road.  They also discuss the beautiful partnership that has developed this year between She Found Joy and World Vision.  This episode is filled with stories of encouragement and victory.  We pray that it inspires and encourages you.

You can find Jenny Simmons on IG at @jennysimmonsmusic

To learn more about World Vision, text "Joy" to 56170. Also follow them on FB and IG.

We have a weekly newsletter that comes out every Monday! If you do not receive it, go to our website: and sign up today!  

We only have 2 more tour dates for 2019!  We will be in Tallahassee, FL on November 12th and Port Charlotte, FL on November 15th.  If you are in the area, get your tickets today at  Group rates are available without a discount code when you order 5 or more tickets.

We have a Patreon page!  If you are interested in partnering with us to continue bringing quality content to thousands of listeners, go to to sign up and have a chance for some awesome bonuses!

Oct 28, 2019

Today, is the second episode in the series on Victorious Living titled,  "By His Spirit, We Rise." Join Lauren Gaskill as she gives us hope through the Word of God and talks about how to receive the grace we need to live victoriously and conquer every battle with our Savior's help. This episode is filled with so many good takeaways, so grab your Bible, pen, paper and get ready to follow along!

We have a weekly newsletter that comes out every Monday!  If you do not receive it, go to our website: and sign up today!  You will get to read inspiring and encouraging messages from our speaking and writing team.

The tour is half over, but we still have dates in Sioux Falls, SD; OKC, OK; Tallahassee, FL; and Port Charlotte, FL.  Go to and get your tickets today!  Group rates are available without a discount.

We have a Patreon page!  If you are interested in partnering with us to continue bringing quality content to thousands of listeners, go to to sign up and have a chance for some awesome bonuses.

Oct 21, 2019

Today is part one of a three part series about victory.  Victory Lives Here is the theme for this year's She Found Joy tour.  Lauren will be discussing how to reclaim a victory mindset by reading and discussing chapter 10 of her book, Into the Deep: Diving into a Life of Courageous Faith.  If you love this podcast episode, click the links below to get either a physical or an audio copy of the book.  Grab your pen, paper and Bible and be ready for some amazing truth!


Christian Audio: 

2019 She Found Joy Tour Update
Remaining tour locations include: Elkhart, IN, Sioux Falls, SD, Oklahoma City, OK, Tallahassee, FL and Port Charlotte, FL! We hope to see your beautiful faces at this special evening of worship, teaching, dessert and more. Event seating is limited and early bird pricing expires soon, so visit our ticket website to learn more and to reserve your spot. 

If you love this podcast, we invite you to join us so that we can continue to bring you quality content, and include free extras as a thank you. Visit to learn about how you can support the podcast, a free ministry that reaches about 6,000 listeners just like you a month.

Sep 30, 2019

This is our third and final week of the podcast series featuring Niki Hardy's book, Breathe Again.  Join Lauren and Niki as they discuss 7 steps to taking a hold of the abundant life that God has for us no matter what is going on around us. You will definitely need a pen, paper and Bible for this episode! Listen to this and give us a review to let us know how much you are enjoying the podcast.

Our tour is resuming this Friday in Raleigh!  Go to to find the city nearest you and come out to hear about the joy and victory we have through Jesus!

Help us to continue bringing quality content to you and receive free extras as a thank you!  Visit to learn more about how you can support the podcast, a free ministry that reaches about 6,000 listeners like you a month.

Sep 23, 2019

On this week's podcast, Lauren and Niki continue the discussion about Niki's book, Breathe Again. The focus is on chapter 2 of the book, which is titled, "The Truth We Need to Hear When Our World is Rocked."  Niki tells us that the process of removing the lies involves identifying the lies, pulling them out by the roots and replacing them with the truth in God's Word.  This episode is full of great takeaways so grab your pen, paper and Bible and be ready!

To discover more about She Found Joy, go to our website, 

To find out more about Niki Hardy, go to her website:

The She Found Joy tour continues! Our next event is October 4th in Raleigh, NC. Go to to find the city closest to you and get your tickets today!

If you would like to become a SFJ Patreon supporter, sign up today at  This will help us to continue bringing quality content to our listeners and also includes from fun extras! 

Sep 16, 2019

On the first of three podcast episodes dedicated to Niki Hardy's book, Breathe Again, Lauren and Niki discuss about what it means to have an abundant life, despite going through challenges.  Niki talks about how she became a thriver during the loss of her mother and sister and her own battle with cancer.  This episode dives deep into how to learn how to separate the full life that social media portrays and the abundant life God promises us.  Get your pen, paper and Bible ready and enjoy this episode.

The She Found Joy tour continues!  Go to to get your tickets today!

If you would like to become a SFJ Patreon supporter, sign up today at:  This will help us to continue bringing quality content to our listeners and also includes some fun extras!

Aug 26, 2019

This is the final of 3 podcasts talking about Tracy's new book, A Redesigning Life.  Lauren and Tracy discuss how space can draw us closer to God, even at our lowest.  Grab your Bible, pen and paper (maybe even a few tissues) and get ready for an amazing and encouraging discussion.  

SFJ Patreon Support:

SFJ Tour: 

Aug 19, 2019

On today's podcast, Tracy and Lauren continue to dive into content from Tracy's new book, A Redesigned Life, which releases on August 20th.  They discuss how God has certain patterns that circulate around forever, forgiveness and fun.  Yes, our God is fun!  You will learn about how joy is not surface deep, but soul deep and about how important it is to stick to His patterns.  Grab your Bible, pen and paper and enjoy this conversation.

Tracy's book website: 

Receive our weekly newsletter by going to: and signing up today!

We are now on Patreon.  Follow this link to see how you can help to grow this ministry and the podcast.  There are three levels with opportunities for more content and other fun stuff!!! 

Aug 12, 2019

Today is the first of three podcast episodes designated to Tracy Steel's new book coming out on August 20th.  Lauren and Tracy are discussing about how to place an emphasis on what God's plan is for your life.  Grab your pen, paper and Bible and be ready for an amazing discussion.  

Link to the article discussed in the podcast:  

Jul 29, 2019

This is our final week of 4 for our Waiting on God series.  On this episode, Lauren is joined by Heather Dixon Adams.  She is the CEO of Choice Media and Communications.  They have an amazing discussion about what discipleship and mentoring is like while waiting on God.  Grab your pen, paper and get ready for a discussion that will give you ideas and serve to realize how much joy can be in the waiting.  

You can learn more about Heather and Choice Media by going to


Jul 22, 2019

In part three of the Waiting on God series, Kate Battistelli joins Lauren and Tracy to talk about contending for unanswered prayer and dreams and her new book The God Dare.

Jul 15, 2019

In today's episode, which is the 2nd in a 4 week podcast series about Waiting on God, Tracy and Lauren discuss the power that comes through praise and prayer. They talk about how important it is to worship God in spirit and in truth and that sometimes God's Word is all we need to say in prayer.  This episode is full of great nuggets to carry with you throughout your week so grab your pen, paper and Bible.

Jul 8, 2019

This is the first of four podcast episodes dedicated to waiting on God.  Today, Tracy and Lauren discuss how to discern whether or not you are hearing the voice of God and how to stay attuned to Him.  This is a great episode full of inspiring verses and talk that makes you feel less alone.  Grab your pen, paper and Bible and get ready to take lots of notes!